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(Replaces Contact Us Badge in the bottom right)

To Our Clients...

We are here for you! With concerns around COVID-19 and our changing daily routines, we offer our support and reassurance

Our office remains open and available to assist you with any of your financial questions, concerns or requirements. In order to protect the health and safety of our staff and clients, our office is open to staff but closed to visitors. We will continue to provide service, execute trades and offer planning and advice during these difficult times.

You can continue to contact us by:
Email: email@manulifesecurities.ca
Phone: 555-555-5555
Fax: 529-555-5555

We are taking appropriate measures to ensure our office remains safe in the following ways:

  • Frequent surface cleaning of high traffic and high contact areas
  • Limiting Face to Face appointments to essential only
  • Encouraging social distancing by arranging phone or online meetings instead of in-person
  • To protect yourself and others, we ask that anyone who is feeling unwell refrain from visiting us.
  • Our website will continue to provide valuable information, updates and articles & blogs for your education and insight.

Rest assured we remain committed to supporting you and keeping you informed. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

Keep well and keep safe.